Saturday, January 9, 2016

New Blog! Knit Natters Machine Knitting Guild in Central Texas!

Knit Natters meets on the second Saturday of every month at Crystal Lake Baptist Church in Leander, Texas, at 1:00 p.m.

Our next meeting will be Saturday, February 13.


  1. Thanks to Diana's bog I'm taking a look.
    Wish I lived closer.

    Sun City Center, FL

    1. I would like to follow your knitting machine lessons . Do you have dvds for sale. If I lived close I would like to attend your meetings.

  2. Thanks to Diana's bog I'm taking a look.
    Wish I lived closer.

    Sun City Center, FL

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have a studio Mod 360 knitting machine with a lace and rib. It’s still in its box
    Lightly used with instruction manual patterns and magazines filled with patterns. I would like to give it away to who ever could enjoy it. Pick up would be in Austin. Pls let me know if someone wants it

  5. Do you still have this machine?

    Does this group still meet?

  6. Maybe I better rethink the location of my move.

  7. I am interested in learning to use a circular sock knitting machine. I live in Temple but I am willing to come to Austin for instructions. Is your group still active?
